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2008 - | University of Oxford, Saïd Business School and St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, UK University Reader, Fellow in Management Advanced Asset Pricing, Market Microstructure and Corporate Finance (graduate, M.Phil.), Asset Pricing (graduate, M.F.E.), Finance (undergraduate), Management (undergraduate), Fixed Income and Derivatives (graduate, M.F.E.), and adviser to three Ph.D. candidates. |
2002 - | London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK Visiting Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance Quantitative Methods for Accounting and Finance (graduate, M.Sc.). Senior Research Associate, Financial Markets Group. |
2002 - 2008 | University of Oxford, Said Business School and St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, UK University Lecturer, Fellow and Tutor in Management Advanced Asset Pricing and Market Microstructure (graduate, M.Phil.), Asset Pricing (graduate, M.F.E.), Finance (undergraduate), Corporate Finance (graduate, M.Phil.), Management (undergraduate), Fixed Income and Derivatives (graduate, M.F.E.), Fixed Income (graduate, M.B.A.), Derivative Valuation (graduate, M.B.A.), Financial Crises and Risk Management (graduate, M.B.A.), and adviser to six Ph.D. candidates. |
2006 | Bank of Greece, Athens, Greece Advisor Implementation of the Goodhart, Sunirand and Tsomocos model to the Greek financial system. |
1999 - 2005 | Bank of England, London, UK Academic Consultant, Financial Stability Assessment Division Developed common framework for analysing financial stability and advised economists in other divisions. Economist, Financial Industry and Regulation Division Developed general equilibrium model of financial instability to assess default, bank profitability, contagion, financial fragility, systemic risk and welfare costs for crisis management and prevention. Analysed and revised existing methodology of credit and liquidity risk modelling. Performed economic analysis of HLI's systemic risk. Studied impact of proposed New Basel Accord. Organized the Bank's Financial Stability Seminar Series. Taught bank wide seminars on incomplete asset markets, money and financial stability. |
2000 & 2004 | Athens University of Economics and Business,and University of Athens, Department of Economics, Athens, Greece Visiting Professor Joint Ph.D. Program, monetary economics (graduate, Ph.D.), member of the dissertation committee and adviser to two Ph.D. candidates. |
1998 | Van Eck Capital, New York, NY, USA Financial Consultant, macroeconomic analysis of emerging markets (Latin America and Eastern Europe) Performed dynamic hedging and restructuring of the fund's existing portfolio with respect to default probabilities, market liquidity and political conditions. Modelled liquidity risk. Conducted strategic analysis of the post-1998 crisis investment prospects in Eastern Europe. |
1998 | Hellenic Navy, Fleet Command, Salamis, Greece Officer of the Commander of the Hellenic Fleet, Office of Strategic Planning and Intelligence Updated existing naval strategic warfare scenarios. Drafted the daily briefing of the Commander. Responsible for daily processing of intelligence information. |
1994 - 1996 | Columbia University, Graduate School of Business, New York, NY, USA Visiting Assistant Professor Financial economics (graduate, M.B.A.). |
1991 - 1993 | Yale University, Department of Economics, New Haven, Connecticut, USA Instructor Microeconomics (undergraduate) and mathematical economics (graduate, Ph.D.). Teaching Assistant Theory of money and financial institutions (undergraduate/graduate, Ph.D.), game theory (graduate, Ph.D.), microeconomics (undergraduate). |
1989 - 1991 | Hellenic Lloyd Insurance Brokers, Ltd. , Athens, Greece Analyst, Marine Insurance Sales and Marketing Performed client evaluation with respect to factors influencing the terms of insurance contracts. Built projections of expected claims based on past loss ratios and shipping market conditions. Immunized the firm's fixed-income portfolio. |